Saturday, March 3, 2012

In Like A Lion

Well here it is the fourth day in the month of March and Guam is experiencing a lot of high winds, high surf, and periods of rain.  Of course, it's been like this for about two weeks.  Just the other day, I was musing about the old saying regarding March:  if March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.  Conversely, if March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion.  Yes, I thought to myself, but does that even apply in this part of the world?  I'm not exactly sure.  Still, March was giving off all the signs of "coming in like a lion" to me, and frankly still is!  So, whether it applies to the western Pacific or not, there it is.  In like a lion, I say.  There are twenty-seven more days to go to see if March in Guam "goes out like a lamb".  It sort of keeps you guessing, this Pacific application of the Old and New World weather saying.  I hear that as the world is tilting with the coming of spring (or autumn if you're in the southern hemisphere) the winds are shifting direction. Sort of like when you're stirring a glass of chocolate milk one way, and before that direction of swirl comes to a stop, you take the spoon and start stirring in the other direction. So, it must apply on the far side of the world after all.  We'll see if the lion is tamed at the month's end or not.

Dark clouds blowing over Tarague Beach just before loosing a burst of rain on us.
On Tarague Beach looking north-west at the setting sun reflecting off more in-coming rain clouds.
Dark clouds moving in southerly direction after shedding some of the wet stuff
 for a few minutes.

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