Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Guam in the Spring Time...

Guam in the spring time means Guam in the "dry season".  Although there are the scattered showers, it's still the "dry season.  How dry?  So dry that even those scattered showers aren't enough to green-up the otherwise brown-ish/green, crunchy grass.  So dry that we can't use our new John Deere riding mower to mow the lawn because it just hasn't grown tall enough to cut.  There are, however, spots around the house where I can put the ol' hubby to work with the weed-whacker, though.  Those spots seem to have no trouble growing, no matter what!
weed-whacker spots

Guam in the spring time means watching out for those pesky Boonie Bees.  The hubby took about six hits off of one of two or the little beasties last evening while closing the doors to the outdoor shed.  It seems the retched blighters had built a couple of nests at the back of said shed.  As soon as dark fell, however, he took them out with a can of wasp freeze.  Two nests.  Thirty-plus bees.  Hubby recovering fine.

Guam in the spring time means sitting out on the back patio to read, and eat supper (whether cooked on the grill or in the oven, but grilled is better).  It means slowing down at the end of the day, leaning back in the patio chair and watching the clouds sail by with the tropical breeze and notice the sun setting over the roof- and tree-tops.

Guam in the spring time means hotter days and thinking about the things you want to do or accomplish before the start of the "rainy season",  also known as "typhoon season".  By the way, are you typhoon ready?  Now's the time to check.

Guam in the spring time means we joyfully get to watch our bright-eyed poodle Suzette play after we nearly lost her last month.

Guam in the spring time means getting the cameras out and taking as many photos as we can.

Guam in the spring time...