Friday, December 30, 2011

A Year In Review

Midnight is approaching and so is 2012 on this December 31st.  It has been quite the busy year for me.  2011 started out calmly enough, but before the month was out, we got word that we would be coming to Guam.  So began six months of "Major Move Preparations".  Sorting, and packing, and throwing out, and attending to more details than I thought I'd have to, etc. etc. etc.  Then, the time to actually travel arrived.  I had always heard from others how long the plane trip would be, but it really wasn't until I had to experience it myself that I gained a fuller appreciation for long distance endurance.  It is a small world, until you get on a plane to fly to the other side of it!  (Well, at least our little family didn't have to sail from one side of the world to the other, otherwise this post would take on a different tone altogether.)

After  arriving on the island there was about a month of "down time" before our things arrived.  Then it was time to unpack and set up house.  That took a little while, and before I knew it, the beginning of the holiday season was nearly upon us as I looked ahead toward October.  Now here it is New Year's Eve and I reflect back on how quickly this year has flown by.  This time last year, I was looking forward to making 2011 the "Year of the Photograph" by making the time to organize and document family photos, and get them backed up on a hard disc.  Instead, the "Year of the Photograph" rapidly morphed into the "Year of Our Move to Guam".

I still look forward to the New Year as one that will afford me the opportunity to do what I had hoped to do in this year, as well as continue to write, and pursue other interests. 

May 2012 bring you good health, peace, love and happiness.  Skol.

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